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Harry Potter Book 7 Theories :)?

my theories:

Umbridge will return as headmaster.
Snape is good.
In the end Snape will die helping Harry since Dumbledore is gone and Voldemort will die.
Hermione will go on to form something with S.P.E.W.
Harry will be the new DADA teacher in the end. (because he forms DA in book 5)
Not sure what will happen to the rest of the characters.
I believe that Sirius isnt really dead... that the curtain he fell through was a portkey.
I think Neville will have a big part in this book.... not sure what though.
Not sure what Lily's eyes have to do.
I think that there is a link between Godrics Hollow and Godric Gryffindor. Maybe Harry is related to Godric Gryffindor since he pulled the sword out of the hat (book 2)
Maybe Lily had a previous relationship with Voldemort and that is why she was killed. Not really sure though.
hmmm.... i cant think of any more. but that is my theory about the book. please share any theories you might have.... i am very interested. thanks

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1 week ago
i didnt mean to post it twice... sorry

1 week ago
i know for a fact that umbridge is in this book. she said on her site that it was too much fun not to mess with her.
i also wonder what krum's position in this book will be.

1 week ago
why does everyone think that hagrid will die??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
i didnt mean to post it twice... sorry