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Help with a question on "the count of monte cristo"?

chapter 1-12

If you could consider any of these men justified in their opposition to Edmond Dantes, who would it be and why?

[Caderousse, Mondego, Danglars, and Villefort]???

please help me with a detailed answer. i am not sure with the answer myself, so hopefully somebody read this novel already.
please don't answer if you haven't read this, and give me rude answers!!!

thanks in advance~

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: None of them are truly justified but Danglars has more reason
to be envious of Dantes because he was passed over for promotion to become Captain of the Farr-ion. None of the others have any resemblance of a true motivation. The
others simply abuse him because they find it so easy and