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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If there were no villains, would we still need heroes?


If there were no villains, would we still need heroes?

why or why not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi,
We all need a hero from childhood and on. Behaviour is learned from a very early age from our role models i.e. parents and other adults around us. Our teachers may have been people we looked up to; someone who lived a lifestyle we admire. These people may not be ??heroes?? in the sense of the word of someone who has done something significant but they will have been people who have had some kind of impact on our life.
Even without villains there will be people who rise above the circumstances of life and achieve something really special. There will always be someone to admire. To the ancient Greeks a hero was a mortal who had done something so far beyond the normal scope of human powers/experience that he left an immortal memory behind when he died, thus being worshipped like a God. Hercules, the monster killer for example but not all heroes were good. Oedipus although having committed an unthinkable crime (killed his father) was classed as a hero after his death! A villain more like! So maybe not all heroes are conducive to establishing healthy role models but we will admire those who expand our awareness of what is possible for humans to do.