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What drives a Vulcan to keep on living, what gives their life meaning?

I beleive that everything that gives meaning to our life is rooted in emotions. Simple pleasures, love, friendship, pursuit of knowledge. Happiness, a sence of obligation (which is how you avoid feeling shamed, maybe even shamed by yourself) what is there that is not rooted in emotion that would give a humonoid being meaning?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Creation.

You prefer to exist over not existing. It is completely reasonable to want this.

Existance is not free. It requires labour. Some things make this labour easier. It is therefore completely reasonable to want all those things to exist as well.

It is also reasonable to believe that others have similar motivations, even when if you cannot directly witness them yourself. Thus its reasonable to create a superstructure and tools that serve communal needs.

None of this need be emotion-based, but we've already developed a reasonable basis for industry, society, and probably many, many other humans endeavors. It all serves a purpose beyond the emotional and instinctive.
