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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Thinking only of the world beyond your own body, is there anything you'd give up


Thinking only of the world beyond your own body, is there anything you'd give up existing for?

I stated it that way because I know there are conditions of extreme pain and the like which one might die in order to escape. And when I say "give up existing", I mean entirely - no Heaven or Hell or any other afterlife, only oblivion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We do not know if there is a heaven or a hell we do not know if after death there is only oblivion we are only human and we know too little to make generalizations.What we think we know is actually NOTHING compared to what there really is.

Although if I had to give up existing I would definitely do it to save a loved one or if I could change the world for the better.
We as humans need to be more unselfish and try to work together for the advancement of our society not only to improve our technology but to improve our WHOLE person as a human race.
Although I realize this is impossible because humanity will never resolve their differences because it is in our nature to be the way we are, I still wish that we could come to terms for world peace.