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Okay here's a brand new one. Comment as you will.????


I chose to put myself out on the line,
Looking this and that way for a sign.
Way too young to shop for a casket,
Much too old for flowers in a basket.

Don't know which way I should go,
Time it seems its moving way too slow.
Eat these pills they'll make you well,
Maybe not though only time will tell.

Seems to me I feel your presence near,
Nylons rubbing and they feel sheer.
Take your time I've nowhere I've got to be,
Luckily the government hasn't got to me.

Taking time and cutting it in half,
Slaughtered like a newborn calf.
Ending seems to always be the same,
The only thing that changes is the name.

The one thing I cant live without,
The irony of it makes me shout.
She is beautiful and dangerous,
I'm just old and cantankerous.

The time is short to tell my tale
I'd give it all to see her in a veil.
Time took off and left me behind,
Gonna take a while to unwind.

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1 week ago

write to me and I will tell you my age.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago

write to me and I will tell you my age.
