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How can i do a split?

well i need u guys to name the exercises that worked for you and how to do them, if you have seen any videos of stretching please tell me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Stetching and warming up, especially everyday in your home, is a very important role to dance. It helps strethen your weak ares and build a great muscular strength. By stretching you will eventually get to learn how to do a split, staddle, lift your leg up either in front of you or behind, and you will find dancing class much more easier so scroll down and learn how to stretch and warm up...

~ * Tips for Splits * ~
1. First starting out, put one leg behind your back and the other straight in front of you, do this with both legs and hold this for about 15-20 minutes each... if you watch T.V. it wil go by fast and you'll forget about the pain. (Make sure you leg is tucked staight in back of you so you feel the stretch.)
2. When you feel more flexible after about 3-4 weeks try doing a split... take two pillows and put them on a floor that slides, put both legs on each pillow and go down, if you can't do it yet keep doing the warm-up everyday, if you can, practice your split everyday so you'll keep your muscles flexible and you won't loose the split...

Another good tip is to always practice the warm-ups you do in your dance class at home, try to remember the terms, and the the steps. This will give you a chance to get more familiar with what your doing and you'll feel confident in class, knowing that your not lost or behind.