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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why do you think you belong on Earth,and not some other planet?


Why do you think you belong on Earth,and not some other planet?

What are things that you feel make you belong,and what are things that make you feel like you belong on another planet?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I feel like I belong on another planet. I feel this way because everyone I know is constantly doing something retarded that they have no answer for. My friend ran to me today because the engaged guy that she's having an affair with chose his fiance over her. I told her what would you expect? Plus, this guy is cheating on the person who is housing him. Whhhhhhhy would you do something so stupid?

People are promiscuous but don't think to use protection. Amongst many other things, they cheat, they lie, they use people. They constantly fail to see their patterns of self-destruction. Most of the people I know are this way. I know people aren't perfect but come on! It starting to feel like this is a common human flaw to be this stupid.

I've never had the urge to be this constantly stupid. So, I have come to the conclusion that I am not human, I am an alien from a planet beyond Europa. Beam me up Scottie! Lol.

Why does everyone have an answer that is so literal. Boooring!