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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I need to find two artists who have been focused upon this year?


I need to find two artists who have been focused upon this year?

I need to decribe their work and their background. Has either of them been involved in political work?Has their work been involved in local shows, festivals, or places of buisness.What cultural develpoments were noticed in their work?What does the artists' use of the elements tell you about comtemporary society and contemporary artists?How is comtemporary society reflected in these works?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suggest that you choose two artists who are representing their countries in Venice now, at the International Art Biennale.
Felix Gonzales-Torres, Cuban-born American, posthumously (19547-1996) representing the USA. (showing a carpet of liquorice candies)
Read about his attitude to politics and other topics in
and at:
Tracy Emin's - in British pavilion.(self-portraits and drawings)
go to to see what her works say about contemporary society (part. the last para)
For her view on politics etc. go to