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Camera question?

i have a nishika n8000 3D camera...i know how it works and everything and i know where to get the flim developed...i just have one problem....i shoot with this camera and the film came out there any reason why this would happen.. or maybe it was the film?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Typically you will find that it wasn't the film's fault that it came out blank.

If the film when developed was "light" brown or grayish, no light got to the film which could be a shutter problem possibly.

If the film came out a "dark" brown or grayish color, it could be that the film as exposed to light such as when you open the back of the camera and the film is wound in the camera and out of the canister.

If the film is blank but you have dark squares where the pictures should have been you would want to check your aperture and shutter speed.

Make sure your batteries are in good working order too. If you took a picture and you hear the shutter open and it sounds as if it were stuck or just taking a long time to close it could be lighting, shutter speed, or you just may need new batteries.