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Nervous about major?

ok so for my whole life, i wanted to be an interior designer but my parents said there is no money in that. i decided to major in pre law but then changed it to interior design because it is my true passion...but now I'm starting to regret the decision because I'm thinking about how long it will take to pay off my loans with what my father calls "a limited salary"
do interior designers really make little money a year? obvious the successful ones make decent amounts of money, right??? i really want to do this and be happy, but i also do have to consider what will be beneficial to paying back my student loans.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I have to agree with your dad. Unless you're at the top of the heap, an interior designer doesn't make alot of money. You'll have to weigh how much you're willing to sacrifice during the first 10 years of your career to stay with interior design. Have you considered a dual major? Or get the law degree first, start working, pay off the student loans, save some money, go back to school part time to get the interior design classes. In the meantime, you could be doing it as a hobby.

I'm on the back end of life (over 50) and wish I'd listened to my dad's advice. Many of my friends are beginning to retire at age 55 and I have at least 15 more years to have to work.

It's not always about 'instant gratification.' Try working in an upholstery shop or a paint store and see if you can meet some 'real' interior designers that are actually making a living at it. It's all about contacts anyway.