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Glazed vase?

I recently purchased a vase which i think must have been glazed as it is very shiny and the vase itself seems to be made out of a strong cardboard and then painted in glaze or laquer
how is this done and how do i make or buy this paint/glaze ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a little unclear but I'll give it a go. Do you mean the vase seems to be made out of cardboard? Well, you would first have to make a mold of a similar vase. You would have to make the mold in 2 pieces, otherwise your original vase would be stuck inside the mold. I would suggest molding wire (buy at any art store). You would basically shape the wire around the vase, making sure to do it in 2 pieces (left and right, NOT top and bottom).

Once you have your two halves, you would use any paper-mache material (available in the cardboard type you mentioned earlier) to put the two pieces together and make the vase sturdy. It is up to you whether you want to mache the insides of the pieces before you mold them together but I would suggest you do. Follow the paper-mache directions as to how to mix and apply.

When your vase is dry, you would then paint it. Use any general acrylic paint, but I prefer enamels myself. You want to apply several coats, making sure each is dry before applying the next. The last coat would be either a gloss or shiny top coat. Finally, to get the best curing for the vase, bake it at around 250 degrees F for about an hour and a half. Place the vase in the oven (on a non-stick cookie sheet), THEN preheat the oven. Once the time passes, turn the oven off, crack the door open and let the cool air circulate and cool the oven/vase before removing. This is called 'curing' and it basically bakes the paint into a type of ceramic.

There you go! These instructions might be a little sketchy but it's a good blueprint to follow. There's a lot more info out there too! Have fun.