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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> VINCENT BUGLIOSI.. if you could speak with him, what would you ask?


VINCENT BUGLIOSI.. if you could speak with him, what would you ask?

I ask because I am going to do just that for an hour or so on Thursday.. interesting suggestions please?

For more info, reference my last question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would ask him why, in his most recent book "Reclaiming History" did he spend so much time on debunking the movie "JFK", in terms of the movie being a historically inaccurate depiction of the JFK assassination? I mean, it was just a movie, not a documentary, but he seems to treat it as such. Most serious conspiracy theorists (and Bugliosi is not one of those) treat the movie "JFK" as somewhat entertaining but that's all. Bugliosi seems to think that everyone who believes JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy or group of people base all their beliefs on that movie and nothing else. I would like to tell him that isn't so.