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Pro Musicians?Please help!?

I am a flautist.The question is,how do I train myself technically?Is it important to learn all the rudimentary skills,such as memorizing the major,minor and chromatic scales so that when a musician sightreads a piece,he or she will be able to play it well?
And also,how do I make sure I have the right flute embouchure so that when I am playing a piece,it will not become out of tune or something funny will not happen?
How do I also cultivate myself the habit of not becoming lazy to practice music pieces for an upcoming concert?Sometimes,I fell that instrumental playing might also become stressful!
Please drop by and help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First and foremost, become dedicated to becoming the best you can be. I would look up a professional flute player in your area. Go to a music store, and ask them for recommendations, or perhaps if you live near a college or university who have a music dept., they can help you. You may even be able to receive help from a upper level music major on flute.
You really do need to learn your scales, major and chromatic- at least. Learn them, so you can play them in your sleep. Over and over- so it becomes second nature to you. That will develope your finger patterns in every key, so that when you play a fast passage, your fingers already know the pattern. Extremely helpful.
Next begin to learn how to read music. Work at this as well,......sight read as much as you can.......begin easy, and progress slowly.
All the above will come easier with a private teacher. You are talking about money, but if you are willing and dedicated, that is what I would suggest.
Good Luck, I know you will be successful, and keep making that beautiful music.
I am a professional trumpet player, and teach band in a high school. Music is awesome!!