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How honest are you willing to be?

Do you have the courage and strength to wield the sword of truth?

Are white lies really that 'white'? If you use a white lie aren't you just delaying pain instead of preventing it - and in the delay doesn't it fester and grow?

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1 week ago
I'm not suggesting that being honest and knowing everything is the same thing. Its a motive more than an achievement.

1 week ago
You can be direct and honest, yet still curteous can't you?

1 week ago
I think that so called 'white lies' are more an indication of arrogance because the premise is that you know better than the other person what is good for them.

1 week ago
Zingis - I'm suggesting that every occasion requires honesty. Yes the truth hurts sometimes and sometimes its embarrassing or awkward but just how do you know when a lie is appropriate? What do you base that on? How do you know what others are thinking and what their past experiences are?

From my experience lies, all lies, hurt far more than the truth. I don't want to hurt anyone and while yes it sometimes happens, at the end of the day I can have the comfort of knowing that I didn't do it on purpose.

Be careful where you are spinning your lies...

1 week ago
... but point taken, I'll try not to cut anyone too badly.

1 week ago
The truth doesn't hurt nealy as much as lies do.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I'm not suggesting that being honest and knowing everything is the same thing. Its a motive more than an achievement.