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Good will of God in evolution rather than survival of the fittest?

I cannot agree with the theory, the survival of the fittest Think about 300 eggs of sea turtle hatched, of course the fittest (most strong, most fast to grow) turtle will try to reach the shore. hundreds of others will follow it. Unfortunately, the fastest baby turtle has better chance to be seen by the preditors. The slowest turtle has good chance of survival after other hundreds turtles are eaten, and preditors are too full to keep eating turtles.
Yet evolution must be happening, based on fossile evidences and everything. What would be the major force, making the evolution to happen? Wouldn't God has good will to evolve all the life to live in better way naturally?
That's my thought, I'm sorry in advance if my question distressed you at any degree, but I would still appreciate your thoughts and opinion.
Have a wonderful day!

Additional Details

1 week ago
Oh, Chris, thank you so much for your sincere answer. I majored Biology, in University of Washington. I noticed all the scientists are talking about chances, but nobody (that I knew 10 years ago) didn't try to calculate chances of fittest - luck beyond the "survivor of the fittest theory. Also, why the science have to be different area with spirituality? Wasn't Einshtein one of the most spiritual person? I choose Biology major since I was so amazed by God's work when I first learned about cell, the smallest, unseen existence is so perfectly ochestrated by some force... I still believe that force is God...
Well, let me know what you think!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Oh, Chris, thank you so much for your sincere answer. I majored Biology, in University of Washington. I noticed all the scientists are talking about chances, but nobody (that I knew 10 years ago) didn't try to calculate chances of fittest - luck beyond the "survivor of the fittest theory. Also, why the science have to be different area with spirituality? Wasn't Einshtein one of the most spiritual person? I choose Biology major since I was so amazed by God's work when I first learned about cell, the smallest, unseen existence is so perfectly ochestrated by some force... I still believe that force is God...
Well, let me know what you think!!