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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Has anyone ever modeled for Barefoot Modeling & Acting Agency?


Has anyone ever modeled for Barefoot Modeling & Acting Agency?

If so plz post your comments about it here.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's good you're asking this question. Most of these places are actually scams - basically they want you to purchase pictures (headshots, etc.) through them or a photographer affiliated with them. This is what I would do: play naive. If you're REALLY interested in the profession, research professional photographers who take pictures for models and/or actors portfolios and get pictures done. Then let this modeling/acting place interview you. If they show a lot of interest, invevitably they will start talking about pictures, headshots, etc. Then, pull yours out of your bag ("look, I already have pictures.") If you sense their interest suddently plummets, they're only out to make money by getting you to purchase pictures through them or their affiliates.

Most of the reputable places are in the big cities - esp. LA and NYC.