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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I am a professional dancer and I have been given my choice of what to dance in a


I am a professional dancer and I have been given my choice of what to dance in a really important competion.?

I am 12

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I certainly hope you're not implying that dancing at competitions is what makes you a professional dancer. The writer of the recent "Auditions?" question seemed to imply the same thing in her question and I find it to be a disturbing trend.

You're very young and I don't want to upset you, but there are greedy adults out there who just love to take advantage of gullible kids with dreams of stardom. If you have to pay to be in these competitions, then you are not a professional and somebody is lying to you. Of course, you could be that rare prodigy who just isn't explaining things clearly in your question, but the chances of that are quite low, while sham star-making businesses are quite common.