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Does Somebody here to know What The CONFUCIUS talk about the country?

all about that, books information, ten point for you guys. Thank`s

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Analectas de Confucius??, or Lun Yu in Chinese, also can be translated like ??Speeches and Dialogues,?? or ??Digestas Conversations.?? The title simply derives that the work consists mainly of talks that Confucius had with his disciples on several subjects. It is possible to be considered as a book of rules for the life that all must obey, in agreement with the beliefs of Confucius. The Analectas contains 20 books that were compiled not by Confucius, but that by their disciples and the disciples of their disciples. Each book consists of an average of 25 chapters. Each chapter counts a history different, belief, or said of Confucius or its disciples.