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Im searching for something you might have the answer to?

a book about a boy or a girl (teenager preferred character) who goes on a road trip by himself/herself to search himself, find out who he/she is, and learns new things. inspiring book. turn-paging.

anyone know of a book like this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This might not be exactly what you are looking for, as thee main character doesn't actually go on a road trip, it's more like a trip back home...

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger. First published in the United States in 1951, the novel remains controversial to this day . It was the thirteenth most frequently challenged book of the 1990s according to the American Library Association.The novel has become one of the most famous literary works of the 20th century, and a common part of high school curricula in many English-speaking countries.

The novel covers a few important days in the life of the protagonist Holden Morrissey Caulfield,a depressed sixteen-year-old who academically flunked out of Pencey Prep boarding school. His story starts on Holden's last day at Pencey Prep.That night, considering everything, especially the fact that he will be leaving Pencey very soon anyway, Holden packs a suitcase and leaves Pencey before the actual last day of school, and decides to stay in New York for the remainder of the period. Arriving at New York, Holden checks into the Edmont Hotel where he becomes increasingly disappointed by his surroundings, "screwballs all over the place." Holden wanders through New York City encountering various people in the midst, each escapade leaving him somewhat more depressed than before.

The major themes of the novel are phoniness, the loss of innocence, adolescence and education.