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Is there life after death?

should i donate my organs......or do i need them for the other

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1 week ago
my 2cents.....i'm not clowning....that is more of a nervous laughter.
i really am curious,and unsure,and confused.and if life after death is true,how come after billions of deaths,no one has informed anyone that there is such a thing by some sort of communication?or is it just a soulful expeirence?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
my 2cents.....i'm not clowning....that is more of a nervous laughter.
i really am curious,and unsure,and confused.and if life after death is true,how come after billions of deaths,no one has informed anyone that there is such a thing by some sort of communication?or is it just a soulful expeirence?