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This is kinda just for me, but what do you think?

The Ruthful Betrayal Of Epocolypse

Best friends should have been sisters,
that's what I thought at first,
but I was just confused and looking for answers,
I'm so bad at this game I guess I'm cursed.

Best friends should have been lovers,
but I realized way too late,
Now that voice in my head whispers,
"you lose, you heart's in checkmate."

Best friends I could have lived with,
besides I couldn't imagine life without her,
I should have known, no one cares for a wordsmith,
I should have known, she always was a liar.

Betrayal has such an awful sting,
She said she wouldn't tell,
She's sent me reeling,
I've been left alone and so unwell.

[wow, where'd my meter go? oopsy. I'll have to do a rewrite sometime]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Very good..I really like it. It really reminds me of a female friend of mine and the relationship we had. Keep writing, you have a talent for it!