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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Would anyone draw a pic for a new KH fanfiction I'm doing?


Would anyone draw a pic for a new KH fanfiction I'm doing?

Lalala ...
I finished my other story (yay...300 pages! :]) and now I'm doing a fanfiction. I kind of do this pattern thing where it's like ... I do an original story, then make a fnafiction. So, I decided (more like my brothers forced me) to do a Kingdom Hearts (Sora <3) fanfiction for a change. Whoa! Now my brothers (we're triplets) are helping me, yay! .... anyway ... nobody cares about that!

Anywaysssss, about the pic ... uhm, well I have a pic to kind of go off of, so I can't really describe the character much here. But if you have an email or deviantart name, or whatever ... tell me and I'll give you details...

The character I need, her name is Ember just to let you all know. So you'd be drawing a chick, unless you drew like one of her friends or pets. I'll give you the details in emails though ... meep :]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Lexa-
I see you need help again. Remember you can always email me at or you can email my friend Cassie at she is really great at drawing people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...