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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What origins are the surnames Havens and Bazooband?


What origins are the surnames Havens and Bazooband?

Each has fair skin, dark hair/eyes [dk brown/black] and are Americans. I'd like to know their heritage... or get a gist on what their ethnic background is.

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1 week ago
Havens: from 'haven' meaning 'harbor'

Haven definition:
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English h㦦en; akin to Middle High German habene harbor
Source: Merriam Webster

So Havens has English & German roots.

1 week ago
Havens is also used a lot in Welsh, Irish, and Dutch peoples.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Havens: from 'haven' meaning 'harbor'

Haven definition:
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English h㦦en; akin to Middle High German habene harbor
Source: Merriam Webster

So Havens has English & German roots.