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Does a cuban conspiracy book exists?

I'm searching for a new book and I want a book that is kind of a thriller .... i want it to be a conspiracy thriller book about cuaba or something like that I want it to take place in cuba... and I want it to be a thriller that is full of conspiracies I DON'T WANT A BORING BOOK ABOUT THE CONSPIRACIES IN CUBA THAT ARE JUST LISTED OR EXPLAINED ... i want a fictional book that takes place in CUBA and that in the plot includes conspiracies.... thank you... please tell me the name of the book that FILLS MY REQUIREMENTS... donⴴ give me a web page to search books I want the name of a book ... thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try Topaz by Leon Uris. The plot moves from Washington to Cuba to Paris all the time. A bit old, though.