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Good idea for a photo manipulation?

i'm really into doing photo manipulations at the moment

such as

unfortunately, I don't have any ideas at the moment.

can anyone suggest a DECENT idea for me to do a photo manipulation of? the best idea gets best answer.

note the word decent.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure if the dolphin and the car park thing works very well. But technically a very good start.

Why don't you think about things your interested in or take the top line of a poem, or the title of a chapter in your favourite book. That usually get the juices flowing. You could also get some images of famous paintings and try and do a modern twist on them.

I also make my own wallpapers for my computer. Check you screen res and create a new image in Photoshop of the same dimesions. Everyon is their own worst critic so if you can bear to look at your own work on your desktop for a couple of days , you're probably heading in the right direction.