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What is the best Photo sofware?

I don't need the professional type but I would still like to get a good photo programme which isn't too complicated but allows me to do a lot of different things with my pictures.
Can you please tell me which you think is best and why. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no BEST photo software. While I use Photoshop CS, I don't necessarily think it is for everybody. It is just too complicated for beginners and casual users. It is like expecting a casual user to fly a helicopter instead of a car (with automatic transmission). It took me years to "get it". It took the help of a friend to hand hold me the first few hours (then once I understood the basic idea, I was off to good running). And that's the problem with PS, many people just can't get started.

Many user will rave about PS. And I agree PS is wonderful. But again just like helicopter can go UP, Down, forwards, backwards, stationary circles, etc. etc., most people only need to go forward, backwards and park.

One of the reason PS is not a good choice is that PS is really 2 program in one (1) photo editing (2) graphics editing record. If you get a book (or tutorial) make sure you get one that is geared toward photographers.

If you decide to go with PS, you can use this website as tutorial.

In my experience windows (graphics) oriented programs are best learned by using video tutorial. They also have ton of other tutorial online.

Good luck.


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