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Book idea - need HONEST input!!!?

I am a nurse of 16 years and have primarily worked with the elderly that entire time. I'll try to keep this brief. I would like to write a book - something I have wanted to do for quite some time.

I want to interview the people I have met and take care of that have been married 50+ years. They have told me their stories before and I have been amazed at their relationships - they have an unique insight into what makes relationships work. Their relationships have been tried and tested and they have come through it all with an incredible love.

Would anyone be interested in reading a book about specific relationships of 50+ they met, trials, triumphs, advice, regrets, etc...????

I also want their stories to live on as soon they won't be with us anymore and their lives we can learn from.

I have heard stories that have made me cry. I have witnessed love that made me cry.

All I have heard and seen has caused me to set the bar high for myself and not settle

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it is very doable. I would plan on spending an afternoon in Barnes and Noble looking for some books with similar themes. Take a notebook. You can mark down the ISBN number of the books and then go to Ingram's automated line and see how many book they have sold. It would be a good way for you to kind of get a feel on how a publisher would view your book -- publishers are looking for books that they can expect to sell in large numbers. I think it is a very nice idea, but I am not sure how marketable it is. Ingram's numbers would tell you that. Pax - C