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Malcom X essay topic question?

Does anyone have a topic on Malcolm X I can write about in a 10 page essay?

Something interesting and realllllly specific please.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are two topics regarding Malcolm that I have always wondered about and which I think would be fascinating to explore. Malcolm lost his father, Earl, to a fire early in life. I've wondered how much his attachment to Elijah Muhammad was a need for a father figure, and if their subsequent estrangement was akin to that most kids go through with their parents earlier in life. If you don't care for the psychological issues, I've also always found it interesting how much Malcolm's attitudes changed after his pilgrimage to Mecca. He seemed to come back less angry, more spiritual and more of a Muslim than a Black Muslim. The second issue has the advantage of being well-documented. Good luck with your essay.