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How do you read and play sheet music(viola)?

I just started playing the viola and I need to know how to read and play sheet.I want to do this on my own.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Viola music is in the Alto Clef, also called the "C" Clef. When you look at the staf, you notice that it has five lines. The bottom line is F, the second line is A, the third line (the one that the clef points out) is C, and the fourth line is E. The Top line is G, so to remember the lines on the Alto (C) clef we say that they are plain as the nose on my "F-A-C-E- (Gaurd)"

The paces, starting from just below the first line (the one on the bottom) are

E / G / B / D / F / A OR - -

Empty Garbage Before Dad Freaks Again

You read music just like you read a graph in mathematics. The bottom of the staff means you play on the low strings, and as you go up the staff, you go up the strings. The last string is actually below the staff by the way, which means you have to learn about ledger lines (Like hanging a rope ladder to get up a tree)