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Are there two dumbledor's, and if there are than can he still be alive? Harry Potter?

In book 5 when Dumbledore's Army enters the Hog's Head there is a description of the bartender that appears to resemble Dumbledore. It says the bartender had a long gray beard was tall and skinny etc. Everyone is saying that the bartender is Dumbledore's brother, but what if they are both the same person? (spoiler warning from the movie The Prestige) It's like in The prestige when there are two of the same magician, and they take turns being each other. Maybe there were two Dumbledores taking turns being each other also. This could be a way that Dumbledore can live on and escape death.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: JKR has stated without question that Dumbledore is dead. But she also pointed out that he *does* have a portrait... so he's dead, but not gone!!