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Opinions plz?

watching the days as they go by

waiting and wondering asking myself why

why do i put up with the inconsiderte jerk

does he do that much for me that i should make it work

not knowing what the answer is but yet staying here still

is it really that bad or not really a big deal

do i need him to love me the way that he is or do i need to be love me the way i see fit

though they shouldn't be so different but yet they are

the things he says cuts straight to my heart

do i take him to serious and not understand

or am i just married to an ignorant man?

i need comfort in times of stress not the bitching at which he is best

what am i to do i do not know,

for right now i am not ready to end the show

the day will come when i can't take anymore

and he will be sorry for not loving me more.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: first time I read this, I was sure you were talking about harming yourself.

then I realized you are issuing a warning to him to beware the girl when she bares her claws.

other people probably got it quicker than me, but I like being surprised.... part of my nature, I guess, to see things naively then pry deeper the next time. the better the surprise, the more I like what's surprised me. and your surprise was a very good one. nice job!