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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you were to raise up a city of intellectuals?


If you were to raise up a city of intellectuals?

What kind of motivation techniques would you use? Do you agree that praising the intelligence of your people is dangerous or at the very least unproductive?

How is it that you as a leader will instill some positive regard for themselves in terms of belief in themselves, yet disallow resting on their laurels?

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1 week ago
This is HYPOTHETICAL philosophers!!

1 week ago
Shall I add some details of my notion of intellectuals. First let me state bluntly that this society disvalues "intellectuals" because it is a pop cultural distaste or attitude. Being intellectual is valuing or finding value in developing one's thinking and ideas for a certain noble purpose such as self fulfillment all the way to helping solve world problems (which people do by the way) in greater numbers.

So instead of your neighbors kids wanting to be a porn star, they'd actually be concerned about substantial causes and world issues.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
This is HYPOTHETICAL philosophers!!