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How do i make paper clay?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. soak about 200 gms of shredded newspaper per kilo of clay.
2. make some slip(1part clay 2 parts water) from your favorite clay (mid-fire is best).
3. mix no.1 and no.2 with a ratio of about 1 part paper pulp 4 parts clay slip with a drill mixer attachment.
4. put up some boards on a large plaster bat (slab) to contain large amounts of slip.
5. pour the slop mixture onto the plaster bat or table for drying.
6. when ready (not runny where it sticks together) wedge.
7. store in thick plastic bags

note: paper clay is suitable for hand building not throwing, mold in stored paper clay will improve its workability.

this recipe is fired in a normal gas kiln and is really great for constructing large pieces without the heavy weight.