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Is the book of Enoch as trustworthy as the Old Testament?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The custom existed in the ancient world of writing a book and attributing authorship to a famous person. This happened frequently when people wanted to attach authority to what they wrote. Often they would give it the name of a known Apostle or figure from the Old Testament. When the author was offering controversial ideas or opinions or even heretical ones the authority of an Apostle might make them more acceptable. Enoch(who is said to have walked with God) was attributed by the author of this work as the source of the information. While much of the writing is edifying spiritual reading the majority of Church authorities did not recognize the book as from Enoch. Jewish authorities likewise did not include the work in their accepted list(canon) of Scripture.
The Hebrew Scriptures did have variations from place to place as to what was included. Likewise the Christian Scriptures faced much debate as to what was to be included. Lists were drawn up throughout the first several centuries as to what was acceptable and later these were definitive statements of the Canon. This testifies to the idea that the Authority of the Church takes precedence over the authority of the Bible. The Bible nowhere lists what books are to be included or not. The Rule of Faith used by the Church put together the acceptable collection of texts which we know as the Bible. Enoch was never included.