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Next Reopening of's Room of Requirement?

i would want to take the wombat, but unfortunatelly, i can't get hold of the room of requirement's reopening. when will it reopen? i really want to take the exam. please help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We really don't know until it opens. but even when it opens next, I doubt you'll get to take the wombats (sorry).

Each time the door opens it is a new activity or clue. The last time we took the wombats, and there was a wombat before that as well, but there have also been clues to the books, and, most important, the title of Deathly Hallows itself.

and who knows, after the book is released the door may open for good. always makes a post when the room opens, as well as a clue as to how to open it, (which you never have to read) Keep an eye on the fan sites to know when it's open next.