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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I need your knowledge, please someone help me out, I have a poem here and I am h


I need your knowledge, please someone help me out, I have a poem here and I am having a hard time analyzing i

nglish is not my first language:(

here is the poem
By Mailyn Dumont"
"This land is not
just a place to set my house my car not my fence

this land is not
just a plot to bury my dead my seed

this land is
my tongue my eyes my mouth

this headstrong grass and relenting willow
these flat-footed fields and applauding leaves
these frank winds and electric sky

are my prayer
they are my medicine
and they become my song

this land is not just a platform for my dance"

what does this poem say?

is this a vast and varied land
Nature and seasons
Regional landscapes
Identity and Diversity
Personalities and values

Aboriginal voices
Voices through time
Regional Voices
Muliticultural Voices
Female and Male Voices
Marginalized Voices?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it is about regional lanscapes. I have the same problem you do with the foreign language, but I am good in analysing texts so I dare to try to help you.

The poet choosed as a subject his land. He tells the readers what this land means to him (or her). His land means a lot, the place to set his proprietes (fence, car, house), the place to rediscover the past and to win the future (,,to burry my dead, my seed").

He identifies himself with the land (,,this land is
my tongue my eyes my mouth"). The grass, the willow, the fields, the frankwinds and electric sky are elements described as a prayer, and not just any prayer: ,,my prayer". The symbol is bigger and bigger: ,,my prayer, my medicine, my song" - these are elements that charms a man's spirit (religion, health, music), being very important for his life.

In the end, the poem comes back to its title. This main idea is underlined by this repeat: ,,this land is not just a platform for my dance". I explain this line as an open subject, that leads us to questions about the places we live in, about who we really are.

I think the poet choose to draw this picture like a landscape, but he is the only character in it. ,,My dance", ,,my prayer", ,,my song" are elements that gives life and sensitivity to this poetic picture.