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Do you know the answers?

1-what country is bigger china or japan.

2 what country has a higher life expectancy the U,S or France.

3-is Portugal a democracy?

4-what is the biggest religion in Indonesia?

5- what country has a higher murder rate U.S or Italy?

6- what is the ocean between the U,S and Europe.

7- is Sweden a communist country .

8-what is the currency used in japan?

9- who is the leader of Russia?

10-who is the leader of France?

11- in what Continent is Mali ?

12- in what continent is Morocco?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1.china
2. france
3. sure yes
4. islam is like 95%
6. atlantic ocean
7. no
8. yen
9. vladimir putin
10. sarkozy
11. africa
12. europe

ha i did that without ever once looking anything up

ok the last one is africa, i think its on the west coast, monaco is in europe, thats a fun fact, i recall its next to spain