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The Da Vinci Code recommendations?

I loved the book The Da Vinci Code and its prequel Angels and Demons. For someone who loved these books, does anyone have any recommendations as to another book I might like too? I loved the history/mystery combination the books had and its centering on the whole Catholic Church. I was hoping someone could recommend a similar book. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Another author I would suggest is Arturo Perez-Reverte. "The Flanders Panel" and "The Club Dumas" have the same sort of mystery puzzle style as "The Da Vinci Code." If you like that aspect of it, you might also like Katherine Neville's works such as "The Eight" or Umberto Eco's works such as "The Name of the Rose." Reviewers have taken to saying that Neville, Eco, and Brown make a trio of good reading. If you like one of those authors, you will probably like the other two. Some other books you might like are "The Dante Club" and "The Poe Shadow" by Matthew Pearl and "The Rule of Four" by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. All of these books basically follow the same theme of a race to solve a puzzle by following scattered clues and they are all very well written.