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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I'm looking for a book, but I just can't recall the title or author.?


I'm looking for a book, but I just can't recall the title or author.?

The book was about the spirit - or something - of the star Sirius. In the book he had lost a machine or weapon and had been banished to Earth where it had ended up, and he'd been given a certain amount of time to find it. But the catch was, he'd been born in a dog's body, so he didn't really remember who he was or what his mission was. The book follows his life from being born, being saved from drowning, then growing up and trying to remember his mission, etc.
I thought the name was "Dogstar" or something like that, but can't find anything under that name. If anyone has any idea what this book is or where to find it, I would be very, very, VERY grateful!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it is "dogsbody" by diana wynne jones. you can get a really cheap copy from amazon marketplace.

if you are in the u.k., try, i've got books for as little as 1 penny + postage.

good luck!