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Latex paint on plastic wrap?

Will latex paint stick to plastic wrap (the kind used for covering books, notebooks, etc.)? I have a choice between cardboard or plastic wrap, and plastic wrap seems more durable 'coz I need to wrap it around a drumset. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes it can be done. You need to prime the plastic wrap though.
Use Gesso (undiluted) to make all the places you want to paint white. On top of that you can use Latex (or acrylics) to paint what ever you want.

If it is just about giving it a color don't paint at all. Latex will not stand much 'aggression' though. After a day of moving it around it will look like it has been around for years.

If you really really REALLY have to... the best way to paint plastics is with spray paint. But again.....any stress on the plastic will make the paint peel in the end.