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Kennedy assasination? Conspiracy or lone gunman?

I've just watched a documentary about the Kennedy assasination, and some people think there may have been a second gunman on the grassy knoll. I've seen the photo of the supposed second gunman, the guy in the cop uniform, but I still don't know what to think of it.

What do you think happened? Was it a big scheme to kill Kennedy? If so, who were the conspirators? And why did they want him dead?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've avoided any public answer to this question for many years now. But I have always had my own feelings about it. I was chairman of the 6th grade elementary school that I attended at the time of JFK's assassination. I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

I remember the teachers and school staff weeping when the news was told to them. The school maintained two minutes of silence, and then we were dismissed early.

I can still recall how my own suspicions about the assassination began to take root even at that early age. As I watched the events being re-broadcast on TV, the first thing that caught my attention was the Secret Service Agent driving the Presidents car put his brake on just before the fatal shot struck Kennedy.

Another thing that threw up a red flag with me, was the fact that Lyndon B. Johnson, the Vice President, was from Texas. It was his "home" state. He would take Kennedy's place upon his death. The third thing that happened that convinced me even more that there was some sort of conspiracy going on, was seeing Lee Oswald on TV saying he was just a "patsy". (In those days that was a well known term that was used to describe what is today known as "a fall guy" or someone to take the blame)

What convinced me even more was when Oswald was being led through the police garage on live TV and Jack Ruby (a known mob figure) shot him dead while he was surrounded with TV cameras, and law officers. (Jack Ruby's real name was Jacob Rubenstein)

Then 4 or 5 years later Ruby himself while in prison, mysteriously contracted cancer and died while behind bars. Too many things were being held back from the public by our government. If everything was on the up and up, they would not have hidden so many facts. Then when JFK's brother Robert was assassinated in California, that convinced me completely. Now even his son John Jr. the little guy I saw standing in the street saluting his fathers casket as the funeral proceeded down Pennsylvania Ave., is dead. I believe that he too was a victim of the same plot. Jackie Kennedy, married an ugly old guy and fled the U.S. after the killing.

She could have had anyone she wanted at the time, but she married Aristotle Onassis because he was filthy rich, and had his own army and owned a private Island.

YES...... there was a conspiracy. Who , what and why we can only guess at for right now. It's true that Kennedy's father Joseph Sr. had links to Lucky Luciano and Myer Lansky back in the days of prohibition and bootlegging liquor. But how that crew could have changed the Kennedy motorcade route the morning of the assassination without the help of someone within the government is impossible. I do know that the mayor of Dallas at the time was the brother of a U.S. Army Intelligence General who JFK had removed from his job. The mayor of Dallas hated Kennedy and he had the power to change the motorcade route forcing it to come to nearly a complete stop as it made a left turn in front of the Texas Book warehouse.

Question: If the route had been changed THAT morning, (which is now a well known fact) how would Lee Oswald (if he really was the shooter) have known to carry a rifle into the building with him, since he had already gone to work before the route was changed?

Question: The major event that supposedly led police to suspect Oswald was the shooting of a Dallas Police officer named JD Tippit. Bullet casings (shells) were supposed to have been found at the scene of the killing that day after the Kennedy assassination. But Oswald carried a revolver NOT an automatic pistol that would eject empty cartridges. How does a revolver eject casings?

Question: If it wasn't known by our own government who the shooter(s) were and who their target(s) were, then why when 2 days after the killing when Lyndon Johnson asked J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the F.B.I) if he were also a target, Hoover responded and said, "No."

Kennedy was loved by many Americans and hated by many more. Not just Americans. His father Joseph Sr., while serving as U.S.Ambassador to Great Britain, told Winston Churchill that the Nazi's were going to defeat England in the beginning of WWII. This coupled with the fact that Kennedy was Irish Catholic (remember that England had been invaded several times by the Spanish backed by the Roman Catholic Church, in an attempt to conquer it and end Protestantism ie: the Spanish Armada in 1588, 1596 and again in 1598) and sympathized with the Irish cause of a free Republic, put the Kennedy family on England's get even list.

When Kennedy flew to Berlin Germany during the start of the cold war and Soviet blockade, he said, "Ich bin ein Berliner." (I am a Berliner *German*) this was only 15 years after the end of WWII. Many former Nazi's still held government offices during that time. This one action put him on notice with both England and the newly formed country of Israel. (During the 1960 Presidential Election JFK was investigated by the FBI for any ties he might have had to the Nazi's in WWII. In 1980, Ronald Reagan was investigated by the FBI for ties to the mafia *Reagan's National Campaign Chairman was actor/singer Frank Sinatra who was the Godson of NY capo Joseph Bonanno*, both were found to be not "linked" according to the F.B.I.)

Who did it? Not Oswald, at least not alone. Why did they? Most likely payback for something or fear of something else.
Luciano, Lansky, Trafficanti, they all had interests in Cuba. They could have blamed Kennedy for not invading Cuba and killing Castro. The CIA tried to hire mob figures to assassinate Castro, why not assassinate the man they blamed for not stopping Castro? Just a small step to the next level of murder?

Was there a conspiracy? You bet your bippy there was. Some member(s) of our own government were involved at some level, and it all centers around "money". (The realm of the CIA)

To sum it all up....... The murder of JFK, RFK and John Jr. was/is a joining of forces not just here in the U.S. but with links to other countries/beliefs. The reasons for the killings may have been different, but the result was mutual. It was all orchestrated by people within the U.S. government.