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Sugarland-a poem?

I keep having these gumdrop memories
Sticky-sweet, like popsicle juice
Melting my hands into the one perfect entity
Lifting me outside myself

They beat the big bad wolf, you know
Little girls turned into pigs
AK47s strapped to their sides like the softest silk

A maple syrup cure for all the ills
How far will you go to receive it?
Death is faster than you know
What will bring you to the brink?

Then me
The girl on the porch
The smell of flesh in the oven
The blast of bombs in the background
The cookies in my hand

My deceptive sugarland.

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1 week ago
thank you so much crystal! You're making me blush!

1 week ago
thanks to grace for reminding me that if you steal my work, I will come after you and cut off your balls with a butter knife, metaphorically and literally.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
thank you so much crystal! You're making me blush!