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Why did Hitler want the supreme race of.....?

Blonde hair and blue eyed people? What was the reason behind it? Where is the logic? Why the Nordic look?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Because Ayrian,(Ido believe I spelt it right) is the pure form of German.
And Hitler wanted to create a pure German race of people, Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, standing on average, 6 foot tall, Known as Arian's.
If you did not fit this criterea then you were disposed of as garbage.

To all those who proclaim Hitler as a madman should read their history books.
Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England during world war 2 stated that if Hitler had stopped at the height of his rule, after re-administering germany and bringing the country back from almost certain collapse, he would have been writen down in the books as being the greatest statesman in the history of mankind, yet he allowed lust for power and desire for perfection to taint his view, seeing Hitler writen down as equal to the devil himself, a force that needs to be destroyed.

Churchill had a lot of respect for Hitler despite Hitlers actions in Europe during world war 2.