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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Looking for a sci-fi story about time being like box cars?


Looking for a sci-fi story about time being like box cars?

I am looking for the name and author of a science fiction story (or TV show) about time being quantized, like box cars – the story is that a couple wakes up ??in-between the box cars?? and discovers a crew that is re-building the entire universe. This happens every moment. The punch line is that when you misplace something like your keys and later find them, in plain sight, it is because the ??boxcar?? crew made a mistake and left them out one moment and put them back in the next. Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The story is "Yesterday was Monday" by Theodore Sturgeon. It was adapted for television by the 1980's version of The Twilight Zone.