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Destructive human behavior and the 'free pass' by historians?

Maybe, as Orwell asserted in Animal Farm, some are just more equal than others.

History is about human events and human conduct as nearly as can be reconstructed through honest research.

However, taking slavery as an example.

All of us had ancestors who were slaves. We all had ancestors who were slave holders. NAs traded in slaves long before Europeans arrived. Black Africans were the first step in the slave trade. Europeans didn't become involved until they unfortunates arrived on the coast for transport.

Almost every civilization and culture in human history included the institution of slavery, until shamefully recently.

However, reading history texts for US children, a deep underlying impression is conveyed that slavery was almost unique to the US. That slavery was an institution perpetrated on black humans by white humans.

Humans were enslaved by other humans because power allowed them to do so.

Why the 'free pass' for non-whites by scholars?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is not politically correct to point out that African tribes sold each other into slavery. It is not politically correct to point out that Middle-Eastern people enslaved each other and Africans long before Caucasians. It is also not widely talked about that Europeans enslaved other Europeans in Europe and the Americas before they enslaved Africans. Native Americans have been so raped, tortured, and slaughtered by Caucasians we could not possibly point out that they enslaved people from rival tribes. It's all about politics and what we perceive as being the right thing to do in the modern world.