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Is religion nowadays essential?

From my point of view religion is causing more harm than good: divisions, extremism...People are amking religion become their main philosophy! You can practise a religion but at the end of the day the most important thing is to bring out the best of your nature and try to live happily with everyone else, isn't it? So why can't we have one religion where our main aim is to bring out the best of ourselves without narrow-minded ideas? Wouldn't the world be better? My opinion...what's yours?

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1 week ago
Kristin love your answer. I think the same way! And Char of course you've put your words with so much passion! Thanks! :-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Kristin love your answer. I think the same way! And Char of course you've put your words with so much passion! Thanks! :-)