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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone know what the theme of 1984(the book) by George Orwell is?


Does anyone know what the theme of 1984(the book) by George Orwell is?

If anyone deosn't know what I'm talking about, please do not leave unnecessary comments (ex: I've never read the book)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's a rare novel that can have its theme wrapped up in a sentence or two. It the worldview behind the novel were that simple, why would the writer bother to write it?

There are multiple themes. One is that technology can be used to control citizens and keep a government in power forever. Another is that if citizens don't vigorously question their government, if they make the mistake of trusting government, then they will eventually be enslaved by that government.

Orwell wasn't just concerned about socialism. He saw a threat in fascism and all forms of authoritarianism. He hated attempts to manipulate people with meaningless slogans and emotional arguments that appealed to fear or anger more than to fact.