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Can u define color?

can u define color?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In what sense are you asking the question? Do you mean, is it possible to define a particular color, to say what constitutes "green"?

The answer to that would be yes, and you can do so fairly concretely. You can show light of a particular wavelength, ask people to name the color, and know that the wavelength falls within that person's definition of, say, "green."

Different cultures group colors under different names. In some Native American languages, there was only one word for the colors that we call in English "blue" and "green." It's as if in English you had to distinguish between "green like the grass" and "green like the sky." But among some northwest Indian tribes, there were three basic color names for colors that in English start in green and end in yellow, so they had a word for green-yellow that we don't exactly have in English. The closest we can come is "chartreuse," but that's hardly one of our basic colors, whereas it's as basic as blue for these languages.