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THE awesome "Secret"This ever happened to you??

In After seeing the book ??THE SECRET?? around at some stores, May 2007 , I thought it was a cheesy novel until a friend at work talked about the DVD of THE SECRET and he got me pumped about it so, I asked him to lend the DVD, I watched it for 2 weeks in a row and fell in love the concept and noticed a lot of change around me after implanting the philosophies of THE SECRET in my daily life and I??ve seen some much improvement .. Well in the month of June I got the promotion I wanted for a very long time and a $6 dollar raise I wanted with the promotion??
People around are more positive now and I??m attracting nicer people around me
Everything around has been improving like financial income was very sad and now
I always have at least $10,000 dollars in the bank and always have money in my wallet compared to before I had only lint??
Then the greatest thing of all I won $ 10,000,000 dollars now and I??m so happy I didn??t know what do !!!!!! so I bought the dream car I wanted

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thoughts are things. Yes I met my wife, and am moving in the direction of my dream career. All by applying concepts and ideas that the secret talks about.

If the secret really does it for you, try reading "the power of your subconscious mind" it will blow you away with the exact science of it.

Best to You!